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Customers First

Customers are the parents of an enterprise and the only reason why enterprise should exist. Customers are the starting point and the finishing point of an enterprise; We should continue to surpass customer expectation and provide technology, product, experience and service to the satisfaction of our customers; Meanwhile, we should also advocate internal customer value. The departments, the superior and the subordinate should treat each other just as how they treat customer. In this way, we can work better to create value for our customers.


Respect Laws and Love People

“Respect Laws” means observation of objective laws of development of things. Only those rational can exist in the long run. One can not achieve an ideal goal if he does not observe the laws of things.


“Love People” means to treat customer well and maximize customer value; treat staffs well and maximize their value; positively assume social responsibility and make contribution to society and our people.


Reformation and Innovation

Through continuous innovation, Estar can provide customers better products, services, and experiences to lead beautiful lives of customers; through continuous innovation, enterprise can be injected with fresh blood and lead the development of the industry; By establishing innovation excitation mechanism, our staffs will keep passionate and energetic in innovation and reformation so that their lives can be maximized to the largest extent; Not to advance is to go back. Not to change is to die. The fish swimming faster will eat those those swimming slower; The key to success is to change.


Dare to Assume Responsibility

Enterprises will be respected if they are responsible to society, customers, staffs, and shareholders. We will realize win-win cooperation if we have respect from customers, recognition from customers, loyalty of our staffs, and trust from our shareholders; Staffs should also assume their own responsibilities. They should be 100% responsible for enterprise, customers and products, in which way their life value can be maximized to the largest extent.


Result Orientation

In the perspective of business, the relationship among customers, enterprise, and staffs is to exchange commercially in essence. Enterprises that fail to provide result to customer will be rejected by society. Staffs who fail to provide result to enterprise will be rejected by enterprise. There is no excuse, but result. Only result can change the fate of an enterprise. Only result can change one’s fate.