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ESTAR works with Zhongxu to Create a Better Tomorrow
Source:Estar    Views:426    Time:2011-11-15

In line with the mission of leading a good life via technology and transforming China-made into China-created, ESTAR has established strategic partnership with known TV and PC brands at home and abroad to take up 3D market. With the “Eyewear” 3D active shutter glasses taking up the largest market share domestically by far, ESTAR has become the leader in 3D industry. Not complacent with the current achievement, ESTAR aims for better development. Hence, ESTAR worked with Zhongxu to hold the Elite Training Camp for Results-oriented Management and Execution from October 14 to October 15, 2011. Attended by 150 outstanding middle and senior management personnel, this training will help us maintain a foothold in the market as a brand and create a better tomorrow.


President Liu made a speech on the Elite Training Camp for Results-oriented Management and Execution.




The fascinating ecture held by expert advisors and Ms. You from Zhongxu



The attentive ESTAR middle and senior management elites in class



(Professor Kong, the Technical Director, made a speech.)



President Liu presented the Excellent Employee Award to ESTAR award winners.



President Liu presented the Loyal Companion Award to ESTAR award winners.



President Liu presented the Best Contribution Award to ESTAR award winners.



President Liu presented the Best Team Award to ESTAR award winners.